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Courtesy and Social Relationships - How to master the art of courtesy.

Courtesy and Social Relationships - How to master the art of courtesy. Ever found yourself in a tensive situation where you are so clueless on how to give the appropriate response to either a question or to express formal greetings and gestures? Then this article is for you. In today's world where science, technology and the arts has really advanced when compared to the 50's and 60's, courtesy will definitely come in handy while dealing with a prospective client, or just some stranger down the street or in your office/workplace. Unfortunately, courtesy is an art that so many have not yet mastered. It is an important ability in today's society. You can lose a job because of bad courtesy and you can as well win a job contract because of good courtesy. There are various ways through which you can improve your courtesy ability, but these cannot be applied without proper understanding of what courtesy is. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines courtesy as  behavior marked by pol


HOW TO SUSTAIN A FRIENDSHIP RELATIONSHIP - 6 IMPORTANT WAYS. It is very easy to become friends but it is often difficult to remain friends.  Friendship should be a relationship based purely on love, care and goodwill. Love in this sense entails one without expectations.  Have you found yourself in a situation where you have no clue on how to sustain this friendship or you have no idea of how to reciprocate this beautiful vibe coming from a friend towards you? Then this article is for you. "A friend in need is a friend in deed" . This is an ancient saying which we all have at your finger tips but find really difficult to practice. A larger percentage of today's friendships are mostly "business". Business in the sense that the two are just friends for the gain of it. This is no true friendship as this quickly ends as the gain ends. To be able to sustain a friendship relationship, there are various lifestyle practices which you must abide by. These practices are


 TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS/FRIENDSHIPS Sometimes it is okay to fight for what you love, okay to give it your best shot but okay too to recognize certain limits and boundaries on how much you are ought to give in sustaining a relationship.  Friendship in itself talks about being an extra set of hands, an extra shoulder and an extra soul. It is a beautiful thing when done in love. This is because as humans, we all need each other, but certain issues arise due to incompatibility and lack of respect and loyalty in keeping friendships. These issues could be minor or major depending on how it is handled and if badly handled could result in a worse case scenario: Dissolution of such. It is okay to fight or argue about random issues once in a while. This is because we are all different and unique just as our fingerprints are unique, so, we have divergent personalities and this results in differing opinions sometimes. When two people come together in any form of relationship, this deferring personali


 My African vibes  Call out to me Fighting off modern slavery Urban deception Spears and arrrow Are my weapon Representing my African culture Against all odds I am a traditionalist On the African Culture I am Olotu An African warrior. Photos by @Mr.P_photography


 They thought life wasn't a relationship They thought they won't have to pass on the batting So they shurned the relay and got into their ship Wasting their lives With careless parties and orgies They forget they'll die And have to live on through another Creating no legacy- no inheritance If only they knew They would have helped us build our ship And we theirs Teach each other one or two Forged a relay team Practiced in each other ship Learn to pass on the batting in each others ship So we can build a relationship But they shurned the relay and entered their ship No relationship.