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It is very easy to become friends but it is often difficult to remain friends. 

Friendship should be a relationship based purely on love, care and goodwill. Love in this sense entails one without expectations. 

Have you found yourself in a situation where you have no clue on how to sustain this friendship or you have no idea of how to reciprocate this beautiful vibe coming from a friend towards you? Then this article is for you.

"A friend in need is a friend in deed". This is an ancient saying which we all have at your finger tips but find really difficult to practice. A larger percentage of today's friendships are mostly "business". Business in the sense that the two are just friends for the gain of it. This is no true friendship as this quickly ends as the gain ends.

To be able to sustain a friendship relationship, there are various lifestyle practices which you must abide by. These practices are in no way bad or self-seeking but one where the overall decisions are for the good of the two parties involved.

  1. Make good conversation: Lack of good conversation kills any form of relationship and/or turns it to a toxic one where one party usually suffers the most. Learn to make good conversation. Don't always wait for the other party to start up conversations all the time, make it lively too and contribute effectively. 

    Avoid one-word answers to questions. A whole 2-hour conversation can come out from a simple "How did your day go?" Instead of "Fine, thanks", you could narrate the whole event of your day which was actually the point of the question in the first place. One-word answers are conversation killers, avoid them!
  2. Learn the art of listening: Listening is an art that frankly speaking, is underrated. When you listen more, you will understand more, not just WHEN to speak but also HOW. The when and the how are the two most important aspects of relationships which if not clearly known and understood will lead to various issues and misunderstanding. 

    For example, John and Mary are having a conversation on the merits of joining a particular book club. John stays quiet and listens as Mary expresses her thought on the subject-matter. He doesn't cut Mary off but waits until she is done speaking so as to understand Mary's view totally before speaking up. If John interrupts, he might miss the whole point of what Mary was trying to say. This is why listening is very important.
  3. Be intentional in your care: Friends should show genuine care for each other. This not only uplifts a soul but enriches and makes them feel loved and accepted. Genuine care is like glucose, it comes with life and new strength needed to face life's numerous problems.
  4. Be full of surprises: Who doesn't like a dose of surprise often and on? Gift them that shoe they've always fantasized about. Take them to watch that movie they've always ranted about being premiered. Surprises are like sparks to any form of relationship, be it a friendship or romantic one.
  5. Be free, be you: The worst mistake to make is to show a part of you that isn't real. DO not try to sugarcoat who you really are. Be your true and real self so that you will be accepted for who you are and not who you are not.
  6. Improve on yourself and become a better version of yourself: You might invest so much time in keeping friendships that you totally loose track of time for yourself. This is not healthy. Know that becoming better and more is the goal of friendship and do not forget this! 

Lastly, always remember to invest energy into the right person(s). Do not forget!

What are your thoughts? Comment below.


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