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Sometimes it is okay to fight for what you love, okay to give it your best shot but okay too to recognize certain limits and boundaries on how much you are ought to give in sustaining a relationship. 

Friendship in itself talks about being an extra set of hands, an extra shoulder and an extra soul. It is a beautiful thing when done in love. This is because as humans, we all need each other, but certain issues arise due to incompatibility and lack of respect and loyalty in keeping friendships.

These issues could be minor or major depending on how it is handled and if badly handled could result in a worse case scenario: Dissolution of such.

It is okay to fight or argue about random issues once in a while. This is because we are all different and unique just as our fingerprints are unique, so, we have divergent personalities and this results in differing opinions sometimes.

When two people come together in any form of relationship, this deferring personalities will experience contact and the issues that arise hence are a result of this difference in personality. Naturally, the more they iron things out and settle their differences, the less they encounter more and there will come a time when these issues will stop existing! This is the point where they become completely knowledgeable about each other, recognizing their various differences, values, strengths, weaknesses and knowing when to agree, disagree or agree to disagree. 

But these issues arising from their differing personalities does not always lead them to the great side of friendship, it often leads to the suffocating side of friendship, but fact remains that these outcomes are basically as a result of the sort of decisions they make and the way they handle their differing personalities.


Friendship based only on what is gained from one party and lost from the other party is straight-out toxic. Friendships are supposed to make a sustaining impact; one that once weighed on the scale would stand the test of time. 

  • Friendships should uplift and not bring down. 
  • Friendships should be a ladder and not a step-down.

Define your friendships and discover for yourself if it is worth keeping. If it ends up being a parasitic relationship where one party gains and another looses, then it is not what it should be. Make a decision to stop unless the other party is willing to make a change for it but usually, change for people is enormous work and people get used to things quickly. Even a careful diligent striving for change might still not help at the end as they would relapse into their old way of life.

Check out the next post - How To Sustain A Friendship Relationship

What are your thoughts? Comment below.


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