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Showing posts from August, 2020


 My African vibes  Call out to me Fighting off modern slavery Urban deception Spears and arrrow Are my weapon Representing my African culture Against all odds I am a traditionalist On the African Culture I am Olotu An African warrior. Photos by @Mr.P_photography


 They thought life wasn't a relationship They thought they won't have to pass on the batting So they shurned the relay and got into their ship Wasting their lives With careless parties and orgies They forget they'll die And have to live on through another Creating no legacy- no inheritance If only they knew They would have helped us build our ship And we theirs Teach each other one or two Forged a relay team Practiced in each other ship Learn to pass on the batting in each others ship So we can build a relationship But they shurned the relay and entered their ship No relationship.




 The Queen never makes the first move She waits for the right to make her move Having studied the movement of them all They who desire to conquer her heart They who take desire of her She carries herself with Grace Never letting others dictate her actions Commanding respect without saying a word The Queen makes her move  Knowing fully well it is worth it Not giving herself away cheaply Like royalty that she is The Queen never makes the first move You have to prove, you are worth her move.


 Looking in the mirror Saw the scars of the past on my face It was all my fault It was all my fault If only I had fought harder If only I had ran quicker If only I wasn't such a quieter If only I could turn back the hand of time Then I will be still beautiful With no scar on my face All these run through the minds  of millions All over the world  All these regrets from the past All the pain forever last Let them go Let them go Forgive yourself That the scars might vanish And beauty be established Be happy with yourself For it is what you owe yourself People cannot be owing and you owing yourself Forgive yourself For you owe yourself that.


 My African Vibe Calls out to me Agricultural proes For black tribes I chief it on my black culture I am a traditionalist I am Amananowie An African King.


The triangles that bind us Travel in to our unconscious Habits of our fathers Handed down to us And this was done on conscious Giving us conditions How to dress How to speak What to eat Binding us to our fathers' habits Giving us conditions That when we try to do things differently Tradition bind us.

Unrequited Love: Signs and Solution

Have you ever had some feeling for someone? A lingering and uptight warmth for a crush or you fell deeply in love with a  friend? Unrequited love or love that isn't mutual is a painful emotional experience, and no body would wish to undergo such distress. Unrequited love can come in different ways ranging from: The desire for someone who is unavailable Lingering feelings for an ex after a breakup Rooting for a someone who doesn’t feel the same way People in other relationships having mutual feelings Unrequited love can look different across different scenarios.  How to spot this case scenario: Unrequited loves spans on different scenarios and these are some few keys that show that you are in this unrequited love's ship: Lack of interest in progressing what you already had:  Hey, I know how much you want this to reach the heights you've imagined but the other party just seems so uninterested in moving this ship along. There is a lack of interest which also show up in the emo

Liquid Pain

In a vain to feel fine, he gave so much and yet got so little; why does the spirits run amok at the mention of his name? Or has the old clay pot that sheltered his ego been broken into a thousand pieces by the very ones whom made his bed by the sands of time? Then the wind whispered -- "Pain heals, my child", but like liquid metal, the blacksmith had already forged a beast from the fires of liquid pain; now all that is left is someone else, something else but himself.

Depression and Anxiety - How to Deal With Depression

Depression and Anxiety - How to Deal With Depression: How many times have you felt so down and out? This is a phenomenon that each and everyone of us have in one way or the other experienced, some within a little period of time, others for some certain period. A significant study showed that introverts tend to experience depression more than the extroverts. Solitude is one factor which creates a route for depression to set in; and because extroverts are overtly buoyant and socially much active, they don't often experience the pangs of depression. What makes one depressed? Depression is a state in the mind or the brain, and it could cause some shallow or even deep rooted problems, not just the body but also to ones entire life and well-being. Some of the onsets of depression could be as a result of: • Mood swings • Tiredness (mentally and physically) • Environmental Effects • Family situations/ problems • Depressing thoughts MOOD SWINGS: Mood refers to ones current state of mind. W


Sunset Like every normal human being We set After a very long day of responsibility To light and to warm To be that beckon of hope Sunset  Cheering us on to set Set down our heads And reflect On what has been done We set We set  Knowing that the darkness is for a while As the sun takes it's nap To come back energized Sunset  We set


There is this feeling that accompanies re-validation or simply assurance of ones worth and value. In relationships and also in simple friendships, this vibe of re-validation serves basically as a morale boost and without its constant practice, the onset of low self-worth begins to creep in, and we don't want that, do we? In marriage, it is also important that you constantly remind him or her how much they mean to you and how much of a value they have added to your life. This is not some mantra or stereotypical thing but due to the fact that we are humans, this is one thing that makes us human too! It is true that you actually hold them in high esteem but it doesn't have to end in knowing, it should also be expressed in not just actions but in words also. Words hold a powerful control over the mind and can be used to both sedate or inflict terrible emotional wounds. So, when next he/she comes to you with such concerns, don't treat it as something hilarious and unnecessary be


Death is only the beginning And life is just a preparation for it Imagine living forever With what you have done Wrong or right Good or bad The excruciating pleasure That without measure Or the unbearable sorrow That doesn't leave tomorrow Think about it How are you  preparing for your beginning? Death is only the beginning  And life is preparation for it.

We could...

We could ride on horses across the sea shore Whistling with the wind and watching the sun set   We could stroll down the alley in Knotted hands and funny giggles   We could lie on the couch Watching as fire kindles On the wood in the fireplace The crackle sounds And the flicker that flies off through the gauze   We could watch the meteors alight from afar Grazing through the galaxy in reckless abandon While maintaining a defined path Like our hearts maintain a defined path Becoming one


What is lost may never be found again.   Maybe, he should dust off his collar with the tears he cried every night for his dearly beloved who lost faith in them, saddled an ass, and headed into the void. Maybe,   For what is lost, may never be found again.

Black Woman

Black woman, you whose fathers died in the hands of the whites, buried in sea shores and subdued under the laps of the fair-haired.   Black is golden, black is a culture, the culture that brought freedom, the freedom that brought unity.   Be happy that you're black because black is beautiful - From the lustrous skin that glows in the sun to the strength and wisdom that starts at morn.   In black lies the future In black lies the earth In black lies love.


My heart on a balance, hangs; will you tilt it towards break point or let it settle on the petals of your love? For this heart though shadowed by the hollow you left, waits patiently for the warmth of your grace to lighten this pale blue soul, again.

Fairy Tale Come True

When I look into your eyes and when I hear the sweet melody of your voice my heart skips a beat and two When my hand intertwines in yours, When our smiles meet each others' gaze I feel the butterflies fluttering through my stomach You're not just a friend, you're my fairy tale love come true and I cherish every day I spend talking to you and having those hearty conversations with you. I'll always be by you, and may all dreams come true.


Do you remember how we met? Like new birds growing from the same nest We huddled and ran together without looking back. Your heart yearned while mine was deep asleep Covered by the sands of time But you never stopped but did - Like a sonar your beams came through; And now, it's buried no more in sands But in love that has its origin in yours And forever it'll stay blazing Burning and bruising the nearest cause for what's not And peace, peace we shall have Now and always.